Welcome to My ePortfolio!

The purpose of this portfolio is to present my research and professional skill sets by presenting a collection of writing that represents my academic and professional aspirations, abilities, and achievements.

It contains samples of my previously designed promotional materials, such as personal business cards, resume and cover letter.

In another section, I analyze a major literary journal for content and effectiveness based on their audience, purpose and visual design.

My third section contains a scholarly research article that I wrote targeted at the same audience as the major literary journal I analyzed, as well as a visual mock up of what my article might look like if it were to be published in my chosen journal.

Finally, my fourth section presents the same research rewritten to reflect how it might be presented in a magazine widely read by a non-scholastic audience.

Thank you for your time; I hope you enjoy my research and findings!  Please feel free to contact me via my “About Me” page.

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